Top 12 reasons winter isn’t all bad
I tend to get the winter blues, aka seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Side note, has there ever been a more perfect acronym? I figured I would cheer myself up a little by reminding us all about the good things that come with the frigid bleakness and those endless, bitter nights… sorry, I mean when Old Man Winter drops by for a visit. A dreary and demoralizing sojourn, whoops there I go again. This might be the hardest top 12 of all time, but I will attempt to keep it lively. So, I’m gonna make a slushy out of those icy days of midwinter.
12. New year, new you – For whatever arbitrary reason, everyone seems to look to January to vastly improve themselves. Sure, for 99% of us, that usually ends before Mardi Gras. But it’s the thought and desire that counts. We see, even if it’s only for a shooting star moment, that we are not perfect and could use a little mind, body, and soul improvement.

11. Winter holidays – Xmas aside, since wintertime doesn’t start in my heart until January 2nd, it does contain four observable holidays. First, we get the chance to honor Dr. Martin Luther King and the U.S. Presidents (some deservingly, some questionably, and one total Oompa-Loompa dictatory). Then there’s Valentine’s Day, or as I used to call it One-is-the-loneliest-number day, where people who found love like to shove it in your face in the form of flowers and candy. Finally, we come to St. Patrick’s Day, the one time of the year we can all drink like James Joyce.
10. Show off your drip – Bundled up never looked so sexy! Instead of revealing more skin, we have the opportunity to display our vibrant fashion sense from head to toe. All in the name of snugness. Everyone I’ve ever dated has always told me I look much better fully clothed. Matter of fact, the more clothes I wear (jackets, hoods, scarves, ski masks, etc.) the more I look like a younger George Clooney… or Rosemary Clooney.

9. Awards season – Say what you want about the politics and behind the scenes machinations, I still love that trophy life. Those emotional tears of joy or pain flow easily and frequently whenever I see someone I’m rooting for win, lose, or get the cuss smacked out of them. I don’t care if it’s rich and famous people patting themselves on the back like they just cured cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Werewolf Syndrome, damn it, I still get the feels from a passionate acceptance speech.

8. Planning trips for the other seasons – Sitting in front of that electric hum and glow of a computer and deftly planning your summer trip is a time-honored winter tradition that goes all the way back to the Middle Ages. This is the fantasy carrot many use to get through the vacation blackout date that is the first three months of the year. In midwinter, the possibilities for fun in the sun are as endless as our desire to getaway. So, let those fervid dreams run wild and free. Cause you know when the time comes, Uncle Carl or Meemaw will ruin it with their outrageous demands and personalities.

7. Catch up on your reading – Sure, you can read anytime, anywhere, or anyway, but there is certainly something special about curling up under a warm blanket with a good book. The FOMO level is low since it’s way too cold and gray to bother opening your front door. So, grab a hot chocolate (or toddy), snuggle up by the fire, and sit back and relax with a captivating story… or top 12 list.

6. Bug-free zone – I don’t know which is worse, frost bite or a mosquito bite. OK, maybe that’s a wee exaggeration, but you feel me, right? We can relax on our porches without the threat of murder hornets attacking us like they were sent personally by the Taliban. We can hike through the forest without the fear of ticks trying to dig into our bodies, giving us all Key Lime disease.

5. Bake escape – There’s something magical about a preheated oven on an arctic day. No matter if it’s cookies, fresh bread, or Alaska, baked anything usually fills the house with a scent of jubilation. Spirits are guaranteed to rise with the dough as you bask in that warmhearted glow of a convection oven.

4. Snowmageddons – Let it Snow, Do You Wanna Build a Snowman, Snow (Hey Ho), Velvet Snow… we have 50 songs about the word snow. Outside of the Yukon, who doesn’t love a beautiful bleached blanket covering their neighborhood? It’s so serene and dazzling to wake up to that chalky shade of winter, followed quickly by the exhilaration of sledding, snowball fights, and the building of snow peeps. But just like fish and houseguests, it better be completely gone after three days.

3. Girl Scout Cookies – Everyone has their favorite and will challenge you to a brawl in the Thunderdome if you dare to disagree. There are now three things you never discuss in polite company, politics, religion, and your preferred choice of Girl Scout Cookie. That’s how passionate we are about our GSCs. But in this divided time, can we not break Thin Mints together and agree that whatever flavor you favor, there’s a simple, wholesome bliss that comes out of those rectangle boxes.

2. Binge watching – Some of you may want to replace watching with drinking, but I’m going to recommend Jack Reacher over Jack Daniels. This is the one time of year it’s OK to be slothful on the couch while giving your brain a workout trying to decode Westword. Take advantage of the frozen weather by turning on, tuning in, and dropping out of the automotive ice capades.

1. Sports – Whether it’s football, basketball, and hockey on TV or ice skating, snowboarding, and sledding in person, winter is a sportsman’s paradise. We have the College Football National Championship, Super Bowl, March Madness, Royal Rumble, and occasional Winter Olympics, so there’s always something worthwhile to anticipate and enjoy all season long.